More than Implementations
“Bridging Gaps Through Technology” is not just a catchy tagline we like to say – it is words that drive our everyday work. While we help bridge the gap between organizations and their members, we also aim to provide our customers with the best user experience possible. As we routinely look for ways to stay ahead of the curve and respond to our customer’s needs, we have created the Association Power Pack (APP) and the Membership Power Pack (MPP).
The MPP and APP were created with one goal in mind: putting more power and customization in the hands of the user. The MPP, built for the Fonteva platform, empowers associations by offering controls around how their members see, pay, and renew their memberships. The APP provides associations with rosters, an Experient integration, and template builder on their current Salesforce platform. While they are two separate products, both are highly customizable and give you the power to edit your system.
Membership Power Pack
The MPP acknowledges how busy trade and professional society members are by offering associations high levels of customization when it comes to the subscription renewal process. Built for Fonteva platform users, MPP customers may set up non-primary contacts to pay for membership, which means that any predetermined person can login and pay. This is particularly useful for situations where the membership account is held by an unavailable professional with a supporting assistant.