Built with the user in mind, Lockbox can be used with a variety of CSV and Excel formats. In essence, the product takes these files supplied by the bank to automatically pay orders related to that file. We have created our Lockbox to use a custom metadata type, allowing your Salesforce Admin to easily configure your file format by criteria such as column index. Therefore, if your organization updates your file structure over time, there is no issue.
Furthermore, the system uses packaged custom objects for uploading Lockbox files (meaning the user doesn’t have to create anything, we create the object structure for transferring file details into Salesforce). This allows us to upload all data and separate the good from the bad – misformatted rows, orders that have already been paid, etc. in the second stage: Validation.

fusionSpan has developed a very customizable platform to allow the user to choose which fields are brought in and how they are validated during this phase.Using batch apex, the system can process up to 50 million orders at once, supporting almost any file size.
Our standard verification process currently includes features such as identifying the order of the payment within the system, validating the payment amount, verifying that two payments do not apply to the same order, and more. Furthermore, while we do have our standard code, the system allows custom validation. This allows the user to write their own custom apex class for handling the validation of each payment from the lockbox file.
Checking each field off the customizable fields provided, the lockbox application will mark all bad data with error messages. The system even allows you to run reports on all rows from your Lockbox file that were improper. An end user can easily validate each row of payment received in the file with the click of a button. Once validated, payment request details with errors will be flagged for review and payment request details without errors will be ready for the last stage, applying payment.

The final step is applying payment! Once your payment request details are ready for application, you press the button and all payments are processed in the system. Staff will be able to click one button to satisfy all payments and create necessary data in the system for a whole file, as opposed to manually applying payment to each order for each payment. Our clients that have implemented lockbox said this has saved hours or even days of work.
Payment Application can take some time since the lockbox must interact with payment gateways and process any additional data necessary from the purchase. All integrations relying on orders in the system will be able to perform their standard functionality, and the system will create an automated generation of any receipts or transactions from the user paying their order.