The fusionSpan Blog

VIDEO: Association Engagement – returning to members

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By Justin Burniske |July 15, 2015
MembershipStrategic Consulting

Association Engagement – returning the focus to membersAssociations often focus on increasing attendance at their events, people signed up for their listservs, and overall membership numbers – but is that always in the best interest of members? fusionSpan spoke with Elizabeth Engel and Anna Caraveli about their recent white paper: Leading Engagement from the Outside In: Become an Indispensable Partner in Your Members’ Success.

Part 1 of our conversation focuses on common mistakes associations make around engagement. Make sure to sign up to receive email notifications from the Microstaff blog to make sure you’re notified about Part 2 of our conversation as well as all our other great content.

Ms. Engel is CEO and Chief Strategist at Spark Consulting. Dr. Caraveli is a managing partner at the Demand Networks, and author of a recently published a book called The Demand Perspective: Leading From the Outside.

Justin Burniske
VIDEO: Association Engagement – returning to members

Justin serves as the Director of Enterprise Solutions at fusionSpan, bringing his experience implementing and overseeing an association management system for an education nonprofit. Additionally, he brings his positive, can-do attitude to any project on which he is working. Justin graduated from University of Maryland’s MBA program, and received his undergraduate degree from the University of Texas at Austin. Prior to joining fusionSpan, Justin taught middle school math and worked with education nonprofits. Also, he wants you to know he loves his family.

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