
Susan Baumbach

Bio: Susan has five years of experience working in associations and nonprofits, gaining critical experience in data analysis and how data is managed in Salesforce. As a certified Pardot Consultant and Marketing Cloud Email Specialist, she guides the implementation process from discovery through go-live and support. She is committed to creating the best marketing automation solution possible for users and stakeholders alike.

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Automated Journey Tips & Tricks

Posted on: 05 Aug 2021

Automated Journeys are a key capability of marketing automation tools for associations. These journeys can be thought of as a detailed map showing the experience a customer or member will have with your organization. One of the primary reasons for moving to a new tool is the inability of the legacy platform to successfully automate critical journeys, such as a lead nurture campaign or a new member onboarding journey.

Rethinking Marketing Automation And Membership Lifecycle

Posted on: 03 Jun 2021

Many association professionals are undoubtedly aware of the membership life cycle of Awareness, Recruitment, Engagement, Renewal, and Reinstatement. The concept can be pushed further since your relationship with members does not look the same year after year, instead, it evolves. Thinking about the membership life cycle three-dimensionally is more realistic. Therefore, we now have a Membership Spiral!

Audit Your Marketing Presence Before Implementing New

Posted on: 10 Sep 2020

A few months ago I discussed how to evaluate your current marketing tool to determine if it fits the association’s current and future needs. If the result of that conversation was that a new system is needed, the next logical step is to determine which tool should be purchased and implemented.

Elevate Your Marketing Game With Transactional Emails

Posted on: 17 Jul 2020

Managing email communication with your association’s members includes more than the marketing emails that are sent to advertise events or share information. A key part of email communication is transactional emails, (also called Operational Emails) which many organizations leverage to provide members key information.

Managing Email Preferences – Lessons Learned

Posted on: 04 Jun 2020

Last month I celebrated my one-year anniversary at fusionSpan as a Digital Strategy Business Analyst, which resulted in a plethora of celebratory emojis on the company’s internal Slack channel. (For anyone with Slack, I highly recommend the Party Parrot emojis!). My job is to help our clients with marketing automation implementations, ranging from Pardot and Marketing Cloud to Campaign Monitor and HubSpot.

Importance of Support After Marketing Platform Implement

Posted on: 07 May 2020

Sending the first email on your association’s new email marketing platform can be exciting and probably a bit nerve-wracking. Over the past few months, you have worked with an implementation partner to configure the system

Best Practices for Your Marketing Tool Spring Cleanup

Posted on: 02 Apr 2020

In many marketing systems that fusionSpan audits, there are a number of outdated lists, old email drafts, and unorganized email content. Some of this is to be expected with multiple people working in the same system

Up Your Marketing Game by Evaluating Your Current Tool

Posted on: 05 Mar 2020

If anyone else were to enter your marketing platform, what would they find? Would they be shocked by the vast number of membership lists that are carefully dated so you can identify the most recent list?

New Chrome Will Affect Website Tracking and Marketing

Posted on: 30 Jan 2020

On February 4, 2020, Google Chrome is changing the security around the use of third-party cookies. First of all, what are third-party cookies? A cookie is considered third-party if it has a different domain from the main website.

TABS Views fusionSpan as a Partner, Not a Vendor

Posted on: 03 Dec 2019

The Problem: Boarding schools in North America have experienced a continuous, 15-year decline in their primary enrollment categories. To combat that trend, The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS) launched the North American Boarding Initiative’s “Ready for More?” campaign on July 1, 2016.