About: nshatananda


Bio: Noel enjoys collaborative environments and is driven by the challenges of a growing industry. He values putting client goals first, explaining, “When we enable clients to be the best they can be, the company automatically benefits; it’s simply the by-product of fully enabling passionate human beings.” Noel heads up the Delivery Team and is constantly working to strategically move fusionSpan forward toward its vision of bridging gaps through technology.

Posts by nshatananda:

Step 12 of Your AMS Journey: We Are Live

Posted on: 01 Apr 2021

You are live, have gone through the go live challenges, and have worked on the other phases whereby the implementation project can be closed. What now?

Step 11 of Your AMS Journey: Going Live

Posted on: 18 Mar 2021

Your organization has put countless hours of work and research into your new AMS, and now it is time to introduce it to members and stakeholders.

Step 10 of Your AMS Journey: Go Live Prep

Posted on: 04 Mar 2021

The end of Your AMS Journey is in sight – you have undergone testing and training, and are now ready to prep for launch. In fact, preparing for go live is something the team has to keep in mind throughout the entire project. Here are some important items to consider..

Step 9 of Your AMS Journey: UAT & Training

Posted on: 18 Feb 2021

Your organization has been hard at work throughout the implementation and data conversion phases of the project. The team has made great progress, but all the activity has been predominantly conducted by the core project team working on perfecting individual modules of the overall project. The testing that has occurred so far is unit/module level testing. It’s time now to take the next step.

Step 8 of Your AMS Journey: Data Convert

Posted on: 05 Feb 2021

Data conversion, or data migration, is the task of bringing over relevant data from your legacy system to your new CRM. This is one of the most crucial steps for a successful AMS implementation. Bad data will result in a failed project, no matter how good the features are within your new platform.

Step 7 of Your AMS Journey: Implementation

Posted on: 21 Jan 2021

Well, it’s time to begin! In Your AMS Journey, Implementation is the execution phase of the whole endeavor. In Step 6 you defined the scope of your project, and the System Implementer (SI) will now begin to bring your vision to life.

Step 6 of Your AMS Journey: Define Scope

Posted on: 10 Dec 2020

With the discovery stage complete, you and your staff let out a sigh of relief. The team is happy the implementation is moving along, and members are eagerly anticipating all of the features they expect the new AMS will bring to make their lives easier.

Step 5 of Your AMS Journey: Discovery

Posted on: 25 Nov 2020

By this stage of Your AMS Journey, you have made all the crucial decisions regarding choosing a new product and implementation partner. With your platform and partner selected, now it is time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. To begin, you will engage in a discovery.

AMS Journey: Product Partner Chosen, Now What?

Posted on: 12 Nov 2020

You made your product selection, and are excitedly looking forward to implementing your new AMS platform. Now comes the decision to select an implementation partner.

Step 3 of Your AMS Journey: Finding the Right Partner

Posted on: 29 Oct 2020

As implementers, we often get asked this question is some shape or form during the AMS Journey. For those following this series in order, we have asked “why do we need a change from our current system?” and then developed a vendor selection process through the creation of a RFP.